Thursday, November 1, 2012

Stray Light Grey: Jonah Freeman & Justin Lowe (exhibition)

During a trip to Chelsea last week, we went the exhibition Stray Light Grey. These two artists did an incredible job forming a dream like, surreal journey for the viewers.

 The first thing you see when you enter the gallery is a tiny room. There are a few silkscreens and paintings which are interesting, but nothing to write home about. My professor, who was our tour guide through this experience, called to us from another room and told us to follow her. No one knew what to expect; she led us into a bathroom with a hole in the wall! She began to climb through and encouraged us to follow. From there, we entered another (different) bathroom. It was dark, but light was flowing into the bathtub; it was another hole. We went through into a hallway and through another hole. The journey continued through all of these different holes and rooms. Each had a totally different feeling than the one before it. It seemed perfect for a pre-halloween adventure! My favorite room was the last. We climbed through a hole into what appeared to be the study in a very nice house. The walls were beautiful wooden shelves filled with psychedelic book covers. There were sculptures and photos on the wall, all created by the artists, and then the next door spat out the viewers back into reality. 

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